Sunday, August 17, 2008

Pakatan Rakyat Takes Over Putrajaya On 16 Sep?

Following Anwar's nomination in Permatang Pauh's by-election, "the mother of by-elections", it seems to be the PKR's defecto leader's plan to seize power on 16 Sep is imminent. But is Pakatan Rakyat (PR) ready? Does the 3 parties in PR ever discuss the plan to run the government? I'm sceptical about PR readiness and ability to form the government effectively if they ever seize power on 916. The following are the reasons.
  1. Earlier, I was convinced that the cross over will happen soon but to my disappointment, I haven't seen any clear sign of more than 30 MP will cross over to PR until now. Even if PR manage to secure 30 MP from BN, it will not be a stable government. The investors will not have confidence to invest further in the near future because they are not sure when the government will change hand again (BN will also find ways to snatch back the power). These uncertainties will definitely hurt our economy.
  2. Until now, PR has not even agreed on the PM's candidate (most of us have been naively think that Anwar is the automatic choice of PM until lately PAS gave us a surprise about their ideal PM candidate). PAS is still make everybody guessing about their political agenda.
  3. PR needs a leader and Anwar's PKR seems to be the one. However, DAP and PAS have never endorsed PKR as PR's leader.
  4. PAS has been signaling their dissatisfaction lately, of being marginalised by PKR & DAP. This will cause an unstable within PR for sure.
  5. PAS has lately been talking about their long time ideology of forming an" Islamic country", the fear of all non-muslims in the country. If PAS were to bring up the ideaology again after the new government is formed, it will definitely become the reason that bring the new government down.
  6. Who are the potential ministers? Unless there are enough number of quality MPs cross over to PR on or before 916, I can't think of any suitable candidate to be the Finance, International Trade or Education minister? I can not see any suitable candidate from DAP to assume the ministerial posts because they have been opposition for too long (they still behave like an opposition even though they rule one state and assist in the other two states). PKR is considered a young political party. I wonder other than DSAI, who is capable to be the minister? Azmin, Syed Husin, Lee Boon Chye, Tian Chua. I don't know too much about them and hence, not too comfortable with them yet. So, I don't wish to risk our next few years by relying on the bunch of unexperience chaps to run the country.
The only thing which is quite clear is, DAP is not eyeing for the PM's post (in fact, it is almost impossible for someone from DAP to assume the PM post at the moment). But should there be a fight between PKR and PAS over the PM post, it will be devastating to PR and the country. Furthermore, Umno will not sit back and wait for things to happen. Umno may provoke racial issues (things that they are good at) to create tension among races in order to spoil PR.

Personally, I welcome the 308 GE outcome but I do not wish to see PR makes it to Putrajaya on 916 due to the reasons mentioned above. The 3 parties within PR needs more time to reconcile before they are ready to take over BN.
For the time being, I wish to see that
  1. Anwar enter into Parliament to lead the opposition.
  2. DAP to run Penang properly to proof that they are the party who will take care of those need help rather than base on the race.
  3. There is change in PAS leadership so that the less radical will take over. Gambling and alcohol should be controlled but not ban. Hudud law has no place in Malaysia and PAS should realise that the concept of islamic country will be rejected totally by non muslims.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

10% quota for non bumi in UiTM, Any taker?

Did Khalid say something wrong? I wonder. It is just a (regardless whether it is political motivated or not) proposal, with a valid reason, that is to promote interaction between races. But the Menteri Besar Selangor, Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim is being labelled as "betraying the Malay trust" by his own race. When Dr Halimah Ali, chairman of the Permanent Committee on Education, Higher Studies and Development of Human Capital brought up the same proposal some times ago, it was conveniently ignored. That is all because of Tan Sri Khalid background.

Tan Sri Khalid was also asked to apologise?? I wonder when is the boleh land becomes a land that can not even make suggestion. Our less than competent PM simply said that Tan Sri Khalid has no jurisdiction over the UiTM quota's matter. Who doesn't know, it is common sense and we all know it. We don't need the PM to tell us this? Maybe his message is meant for the UiTM students...

Relax! it is just a PROPOSAL. Nothing but a proposal. If anyone doesn't like the idea, just say "No I buy that", as simple as that. No need to paint a picture that Malay rights is eroded and get the students to demonstrate . The Malay community should be well awared of that the propasal will never come true as long as the comunity against it. Umno dare not do it eventhough they know this is 100% bumu policy sucks. Umno just can't afford to loose more malay votes.

To me, it doesn't really matter whether UiTM to open up or not. It has not been something that me, as "bangsa asing" (this is how the UiTM vice chancellor, Prof Dr Ibrahim decribe non bumis) is looking forward to. I'm pretty sure that if UiTM is open up 10% of its quota to the non-bumis, it will have problem to fill the 10% quota with ""bangsa asing", same happen to MRSM years ago. Even if the 10% in UiTM is filled up, is it possible that this 10% bangsa asing wake the 90% up to compete. Hence, believe me, business as usual in UiTM. I will therefore support UiTM decision to continue to shut their door.

Peoples who are seriously looking for quality tertiary education will have at least some expectations. For me, I'm still looking up for Uni such as UM or USM where their ranking can still be seen in the world top 400 university ranking. Furthermore, there are many choices of good university opened their branches in Malaysia, it is not easy to attract non-bumi to join UiTM, let alone foreigner. Proof me wrong by showing me the evidence of UiTM is a good higher learning institution, please enlighten me the remarkable achievement by UiTM. Also name me a few UiTM grads that excel after graduation that Dr Ibrahim could be proud of?

I also need to tell some jokes of the incompetent Umno "leaders" as they were quick enough to become hero again. Utusan, in playing race issue as usual, reported "Pemuda, Puteri selar Khalid ". Wow! sound like these Umno wings are so well respected, to me it is just the opposite. Another story teller, the head of Pemuda UMNO, Perak, Zainol Fadzi Paharuddin even linking the proposal with DAP, by saying that PKR do this to please DAP...