Sunday, June 28, 2009

My View On Indonesia Ban Maid Supply To Malaysia

Last Thursday, Indonesia has decided to temporary ban its nationals from coming to Malaysia to work as domestic helpers. I find that an immature decision and the reason is uncomprehending. Nevertheless, some agents defy the order by continue to send maids to Malaysia. The agents instead urge the Indonesian government to find solutions rather than just order an abrupt ban.

We have heard enough of maid abuse cases. It happened not only in Malaysia, we also heard similar cases in HK, Singapore and Middle East where Indonesia export their maids to. So why is Indonesian government reacted so strongly to one recent abuse case where the employer involved had been charged in court. Is is necessary to "temporarily" ban maids supplies to Malaysia? How are we suppose to make you happy?

It is an open secrets that Malaysia is just the training ground for the maids before they are qualified to work as maid elsewhere and hence earn more. Therefore, the maids supplied to Malaysia are known to be not as good as those to HK and Singapore. In another word, we are actually giving work opportunities to these Indonesian women. It is on the mutual benefit basis.

Have we not heard of maid abused their employers children? Is it something new that maids run away from their employers with their Indonesian lovers? Who will speak for us(employers) who do not receive the desire level of service from these maids. Mind you, we too are suffered. Have you Indonesia government also make sure the maids being taught the right moral and work attitudes before dumping them to Malaysia. Please look at the following video if you haven't. It happened in KL about 2 years ago. Are we so naive to think that there is only one such case so far?

If the Indonesia government wants to protect their people, just create more jobs for them and keep them in the country. We have no qualm about it. Instead, I'm happy to see the 300K Indonesian maids can return and work in their own country and hence, can directly contribute to building their nation and also maintain closer family ties.

I agree that the Indonesian maids also need protection and the government form both sides should sit down to discuss in greater detail instead of "cut the supply" abruptly.
If all Indonesian government wants is money, please ask politely. It is not a shame to demand for more money as long as you can justify it. It is not a smart move for Indonesia to threaten its neighbour who provides 2 million work opportunities to its nationals.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Michael Jackson-The Legend

Good Bye Jackco! You will always be in my mind!

My all time favorite, Michael Jackson-Beat It

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Don't Be Racist! Don't Behave Like An Animal!

I'm bothered by a report in yesterday, that a former serviceman who lost his right foot in battle with the communists, said: "People who call for his return and support communism should be shot dead." I guess the ex-soldier was not only lost his right foot but a bullet must have went through his brain which caused permanent damage that made him say something that is no rationale at all.

In the press conference, the Veteran Soldiers of Malaysia Association President, Muhammad Abdul Ghani showcase a few handicapped ex-soldiers to justify their stand not to allow the 85 year old Chin Peng to come home. The biggest joke was when he said the people who want Chin Peng to return must also be communists and support the ideology of communism. This is the level intelligent our leaders have.

As a layman, I don't like comunism but I understand the need to tolerate different political ideologies in reality but some of our malay counterparts simply don't understand and continue to be stubborned (berdegil) and racist.

I don't deny that many victims suffered during the communist insurgency (By the way, Malaya was not alone ), especially with the support from the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). Chin Peng was only a tool for the CCP. Hence, to show that how angry is our ex-soldier, banning Chin Peng from returning to Malaysia will not help to convey the message that our malay friends hate communism. Our government should confront China and demand compensations from them to make our ex-soldiers feel better. Najib should also cancel his China trip next week to show that Malaysia is serious about its past history.

Like wise, the Japanese had also committed war crimes during world war II , they killed many civillians and majority of them were chinese origin. The Japanese Emperial army killed far more civillians than the communists. Please stand up for the chinese Malaysian by teaching the Japanese government a lesson and stop kow-towing to the Japanese emperor.

Malaysia boleh! tentu boleh!