Saturday, January 31, 2009

Who Is Clean From Money Politics In UMNO?

When the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) takes the swift action to insvetigate money politics in UMNO. There are some UMNO members feel very strong (or they scared...) about the investigation, they protested MACC's intervention in UMNO's party internal matters. I don't understand these people's mindset when they protest the investigation. Their act is a joke and make Malaysian "malu" only.

Is UMNO above the law such that corruptions practice happpened within UMNO can not be investigated by MACC? I don't understand why UMNO people are still so arrogant. They thought that law is in their hand and they can do whatever they want , include dropping the "corruption" charges againts the 2 Perak PR assemblymen.

The next question will be how many corrupted leaders in UMNO? Is the protest mooted by those dirty leaders? And the million dollar question are how many of them and who are they.

Friday, January 30, 2009

2009 Year of Frog For Malaysia?

Politically, the year of ox has started with a bang when the Bota assemblyman Datuk Nasarudin Hashim declared his decision to join PKR last Sunday. Subsequently, BN also said that there are some defectors from PR that interested to cross over. What's more, one of the Perak PR lawmaker also announced that there will be defection in Negeri Sembilan which will cause the fall of BN in the state.

As mentioned in my previous article (PR Takes Over Putra Jaya On 16 Sep?) , I'm not in favour of PR's plan to take over BN to rule this country, especially through defection of MPs. I'm against the act of these irresponsible assemblyman defecting the party which they belongs to during the 308 GE. This way of defection is unacceptable and is againts the will of the people who voted for him during last the GE.

The defections mean more than just switching camp. Please be responsible and think twice before hoppping. If the assemblyman think that what they do is for the benefit of the people, he should then resign and get a fresh mandate from the people, let the people decide.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Happy Lunar New Year!

Wishing all Malaysian A Happy Year of Ox!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

How To Stop Israel From Killing The Palestinians?

It is interesting to see how the people in this region reacted to the Israel invasion and killing of innocence Palestinians. As usual, muslim countries will react more strongly compared to non muslim country. In Malaysia, we have demonstrations too and as usual, the target will be US Embassy. However, after much shouting and screaming, the crowd dispersed and get back to work. I wonder how effective is the demonstration at the US Embassy?Just to vent anger? (But this round no monkey show).
Besides, we also have an irrelevant ex-leader, Dr. M wanted Malaysian to boycott US products, starts with Coca-Cola, Mc Donald and Colgate. By accident, I'm already one supporter because I don't drink soft drink or eat fast food because these two things are almost zero in nutrition and I only use Darlie tooth paste...But what are we trying to achieve by boycotting US products? To make sure their business collapse and add to the employment percentage? Why make Coke, Mc Donald & Colgate the scape goat? Do we have proof that they channel funds to support Israel? They are innocence too. If Dr M is so determine to boycott, then make sure you don't use any Microsoft programmes & Intel processor in publishing your blog.

As usual, the U.S. president will not spare the condemn. What disturb me was when I read about a father in Kota Bahru, brought his to a demonstration and taught his son to throw shoes at George W Bush picture. George W Bush may not feel the pain but that father may have to bear the responsibility later when his son grew up. His son may think that it is alright to throw shoes to vent anger. I pity the kid and wonder what on earth the father would want to teach his son to throw shoes.

If what the Kelantan father did was serious, the next one is consider crazy but luckily it was not happen in Malaysia. In Indonesia, the Islamist warriors are actually considering going to Gaza to "help" the Palestinians to fight Israel. A 28 year old lady by name of Dhuharniyeti said that she was prepared to fight Israel troops with bamboo sticks and arrows...I'm speechless when I read this. Israel has been there for long time despite being surrounded by the muslim nations and they are still standing tall. When Iraq's Scud missiles were unable to finish off Israel, can the bamboo sticks and arrow do the magic? When living in peace, people tend to forget about how to treasure life and want to go to the battle ground with bamboo sticks...

The only way to resolve this is for all parties to go back to the negotiation table in order to avoid more casualty. Israel should be penalised for invading and killing, they should be taught a lesson for disobeying the call by UN to cease fire. Hamas is no angel, they are equally inhumane for using civilian especially kids as human shield, it is even more despicable than Israel.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Dr. M, Can You Please Shut Up!

Dear Dr M,
It is very sickenning. You just can't stop talking, everything is not right. and nothing is constructive. Do you think you are still in in charge? You as the former, I repeat "FORMER" premier disappointed with the selection of Wan Ahmad Farid as the Barisan Nasional candidate in the Kuala Terengganu by-election simply because you think that Wan Ahmad is the proxy for Abdullah. Isn't it common in politics? I honestly don't think that Adbullah will appoint someone else proxy? You intention is clear, you want BN to lose in the by-election so that Abdullah's proxy in the Umno Youth chief election will also lost his credential.
I think you should keep your mouth shut. If you really like to fight, just fight like a man in the proxy war during the Umno Election.
Please remember that you are nothing more than an ordinary citizen now. Remember to pay your income tax for the sources of income gained from your kedai roti and your chedet advertisement.


Monday, January 5, 2009

Israel Invades Gaza Strip In Palestine

I must admit that I don't know much about the history of conflicts between Israel & Palestine. Eventhough there are a lot of resources in the internet about this topic but every time I started to read, I will soon be losing focus and losing interest to continue simply because the history between them is just is too complicated.

OK! That's not my point. What I want to say is I'am confused and puzzled why did they fight again. It is sad to see that people's life just taken away like that. Why it seems to be that the fight is inevitable?
Without fail, in every war break out, the world will mostly, overwhelmingly condemn Israel. The voices are especilally strong from the muslim world as usual. Is Israel really that devil until they every now and then try to provoke the muslim Arab neighbours? Why no one condemn Hamas' provoking act of firing rockets to Israel territory? Is that permissable? Don't get me wrong, I'm a peace lover and strongly against the retaliation act of Israel. No one can tolerate the act of invading and killing the innocence in Gaza strip. Israel must stop this immediately.

Whatever happen in the past... is past. The world face enough problems nowadays. I hope that peace in Middle East will be restored soon. But at the same time, we shall not discount Hamas responsibility in this incident. Hamas should not use the rockets and start to negotiate instead of provoking. The moral of the story is "Don't disturb the bee hive!". Hamas should protect the life of Palestine people. It is not worth to fire a few rockets over and revceive a big fight back from the Jews. It is proven that the Jews will fight back at any cost(include sacrifying the life of innocence Palestanians), when they feel their life is threatened.