We support clean and fair election. We support Bersih 2.0 Rally!
We condemn the bastard racist group called "PERKASA" for opposing clean and fair election.
UMNO is desperate. Najib is now resort to the same trick he used in the 1987 Kg Baru rally to scare off the Chinese. Najib was the Umno Youth Chief then who warned the Chinese reporters that he could not guarantee the safety of the Chinese reporters who were at the rally location... Now, he made use of , PERKASA, an UMNO agent to warn the Chinese again. Ibrahim Ali is just a spokesman, the real devil is UMNO who is behind all these, it aims at stirring up racial sentiment.
Whether or not UMNO takes action against Ibrahim Ali, UMNO will eventually be the winner. If UMNO were to take action now against Ibrahim Ali, UMNO will appear to be “intolerable towards racism” (the fact is they take so long to act). If UMNO doesn’t take action now, Ibrahim Ali will continue to stir the racial sentiment as per UMNO’s agenda. This will help UMNO to regain some Malay votes that lost to Pakatan Rakyat during the General Election 12.
My take, UMNO will continue to allow Ibrahim Ali to create trouble until the days when Najib is about to call for General Election 13, Ibrahim Ali will be arrested for whatever reason. This will help UMNO/BN to gain some non-Malays votes. With this, UMNO will be the ultimate winner.
UMNO is Malaysia’s Number 1 public enemy.