It is ridiculous! The National Feedlot Corporation CEO, Mohammad Salleh Ismail says the ‘renegade staff' were wrong in their allegations. Why blame the whistleblowers for NFC's problems? If NFC has nothing to hide, then there isn't anything thing to fear from the information given by the whistleblowers.
In order to protect the whistleblowers, the police should instead investigate the information revealed by the whistleblowers. And the identity of the whistleblowers must not be revealed as all costs.
Since it is the auditor-general (AG) mentioned NFC's mismanagement in the audit report. If Mohamad Salleh has any bone to pick, he should pick it with the AG and not his staff or any other person.
Knowing how things work in Malaysia, I guess the whistleblowers will be investigated instead and the culprit will get away while the innocent and small-fry get persecuted.
Muhyiddin Yassin, we would like to see how intelligent are you to resolve this problem. So far, your comments on the NFC issues has reflected inferior quality in you as DPM.
Save Malaysia! Muhyiddin must go!