kepada semua rakyat Malaysia, terutamanya bagi merka yang beragama Islam.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Selamat Hari Raya
kepada semua rakyat Malaysia, terutamanya bagi merka yang beragama Islam.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Indecent Portfolio Exchange
Finance Minister is an important portfolio because the minister is managing the country’s wealth. Is Najib really the best candidate for Finance Minister’s post among all the UMNO MPs? What kind of logic to arrange Najib to take up the Finance Minister portfolio just because of Najib is the PM in waiting (or will this ever happened)? Why not just pass down the baton to someone who is more capable?
In the corporate world, the head of a big corporation is hardly double up as the head of Finance or Chief Financial Officer simply because they need someone to dedicate his/her time into the financial aspect. PM’s work load should be very heavy, if the PM is also assumes the finance portfolio, he will be less effective compared to the person doing it full time. Enlighten me, which country’s President/Prime Minister taken up both PM & Finance Minister portfolios?
I can see one big problem in UMNO is, they like to do things the traditional way be it right or wrong (for instance, the party chairman will automatically be the PM). If UMNO can not find a suitable candidate among their own peoples, they can be more open minded by reaching out to other component parties in BN to find the best candidate for the post. It is also hard to believe that, there is no one capable of the job other than those from UMNO. The UMNO leadership should be more open minded in matters that concerning the well being of the country, not to benefit UMNO only.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
16 Sept, Nothing Happened
Saturday, September 13, 2008
ISA Arrest, Pak Lah's Desperate Moves

Friday, September 12, 2008
Jangan Jadikan Papan tanda Isu Politik
Memang betul kenyataan Datuk Salleh yang orang lain tidak sepatutnya senang-senang pasang papan tanda mengikut hasratnya sendiri. Ini adalah tugas pihak berkuasa tempatan. Kalau tidak, papan tanda pastinya nampak macam papan rojak.

Saya harap semua pihak berkuasa tempatan diseluruh negara guna hanya Bahasa Malaysia saja diatas papan tanda. Tiada kira tempat itu majoriti penghuninya cina ke melayu. Inilah identity negara kita sebab semua rakyat Malaysia faham Bahasa Melaysia dan ianya bahasa kebangsaan kita semua. Justeru itu, DBKL perlulah mengkaji semula penggunaan papan tanda yang bertulisan jawi yang pakai di kawasan Kampung Baru, Bandar Tun Razak dan Datuk Keramat.
Demi perpaduan rakyat negara kita.
Khir Toyo Stirring Up Racial Tension

Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Ahmad Ismail Should Be Expelled From UMNO
I'm dissapointed with UMNO Supreme council's verdict. I strongly feel that the punishment should have been a more servere one for this type of serious wrong doing. Furthermore, the defiant politician is still refuse to admit his mistake. I think Ahmad Ismail should be expelled from UMNO and action should be taken against the leaders of the 13 devisions who support Ahmad Ismails racist remarks.
Now, Ahmad still walk with his head up and tells people that he is not apologising because it is not his fault (it means UMNO supreme council's fault lah) in his inflammatory remarks by describing the chinese as squatter. Ironically, right after UMNO supreme council's decision, Ahmad vowed to return to politic 3 years later. The punishment doesn't seems to borther him very much. To him, this could be just a 3 years break. After the 3 years break, it is just nice for him to run for a position again in the UMNO party election in 2011 (I hate to think that this is the deal between Ahmad Ismail and Abullah Badawi in their meeting yesterday).
This is how arrogant the UMNO leaders can be. They still protective againts their own people. They haven't changed.
I'm fully support the SMS (I read it in Jeff Ooi's blog) that circulating around which call for all Penangite to stop patronising a petrol station which is owned by Ahmad Ismail's family. The alledged petrol station, under the Shell brand, is identified as the one located at Island Glades, Penang. It cannot be missed as one drives out from the tunnel heading along Green Lane towards George Town. It's located on the left of the road, in front of the Gembira Parade supermarket. I think the boycott should extend to all Ahmad Ismail's business interest. Nevertheless, we should be careful so that the action do not victimised the innocence.
By the way, I also wish I could have the license to run a petrol station, Is there a proper procedure to obtain one? How Ahmad Ismail got it?
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Umno Backed Ahmad Ismail To Provoke?
- Najib was at the scene on 25 August seminar but he choose to keep quiet even the day after.
- Ahmad Ismail kept everybody guessing his whereabout by playing hide and seek with the police. By doing this, he let the issue brewing when protests from chinese started rolling in.
- Abdullah merely asked Ahamd to be more careful in giving his opinion.
- Najib then apologise on behalf of Ahmad Ismail, make people feel something is missing as in why the culprit can just get away with this.
- Ahmad called a press conference and refused to apologise in a high profile manner, clearly challenging the chinese community.
- Ahmad called a second press conference to reiterate his stands and warn the chinese community (He really mean to blow this issues up).
- Ahmad started to twist the issues, accusing Chinese pushing Malay to a corner. The actual fact is the Chinese community wants only Ahmad Ismail to apologise for what he said. No one has challenged Malay in any manner.
P.s. dear PM Datuk Seri Abdullah Badawi, please prove that I'm wrong.
Monday, September 8, 2008
Justify The Overseas Agri Study Trip, Datuk Tiong!
While other activities in the country has been scaled down in the month of Ramadan, it is strange to see BNBBC organised such an event that involves all 78 BN backbenchers. Datuk Tiong should clarify the following which I think is important to clear our doubt, regardless who pays for the trip.
- Why is it in such a hurry? Is the trip properly planned?
- Why Taiwan? According to Bung Mokhtar, Taiwan is choosen because the advance Agriculture techenology poses by the Taiwanese. If Taiwanese technology is really that good, why then Malaysia government do not recognise the scroll conferred by the Taiwanese Universities?
- Why the trip can not be postponed to after the Ramadan month?
- What is the schedule for the trip as most of the MP's are muslim and hence, a pact schedule of visit is not suitable for them.
- Why all BNBBC MP? Do we really need all 78 of them in this study trip? If all of them are crucial in order to make the study trip a successful one, then why give them the option whether to join or not?
If the purpose of the "study trip" is to prevent a massive cross over of BN's MP to PR, I feel that the BN leaders' are too simple minded. The reason is simple, in order for PR to topple the government, the defect MPs need not be presence. They are many other things that Anwar Ibrahim can do to achieve their 916 plan. Furthermore, the defectors can always buy a ticket and fly back to Malaysia anytime, where ever they may be. Be it 916 or 926 doesn't really matter to me.
I 'm more incline to think that BN is worried now and started to get panic. They will go all out and do whatever they can to make sure PR 916 plan is not going to happen, whatever silly thing it may be. I have a mixed feeling about the current state of BN. They were once a strong coalition but end up like what it is today.
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Farewell To Pak Samad
His departure is the loss of the country. Pak Samad will always be in our memories.
Rest in peace.
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Don't Twist & Turn, It is Too late!
Even is Ahmad Ismail were to apologize now, it is just too late. The apology will be viewed as not sincere and do it under pressure. The harm is in fact can not be undone because the remedial action for the problem is time sensitive.
From this episode, we can tell that Umno's ideology is the thing of the past and they are no longer relevant. These bunch of peoples (those who have the same mindset as the 13 divisions) will speed up the downfall of the Umno empire.
KeBiadapan Umno Pulau Pinang
Perbuatan biadap Umno PP ini umpama bermain dengan api. Mereka nyata nak cabar kedudukan kaum lain di negara ini. Mengapa Umno PP begitu berani bermain dengan isu perkauman? Ini sebab mereka tidak bimbang dengan apa-apa tindakan yang akan diambil terhadap mereka kerana pucuk pimpinan Umno kini ini agak lemah.
Saya amat bersimpati dengan AAB. Mana maruahnya bila orang kampungnya sendiri yang tidak mengikut arahannya? Adakah AAB masih berkuasa hari ini? Kenapa bahagian-bahagian Umno di PP boleh buat keputusan yang bertentangan dengan Nombor 1 and Nombor 2 dalam parti?
Rupanya, Umno PP masih percaya bahawa bermain dengan isu perkauman masih dapat menolong mereka untuk mencapai sesuatu, walaupun Umno telah kalah teruk pada pilihanraya kecil Permatang Pauh degan kempen yang paling”racist” sekali.. Tengoklah sikap Mohd Zain yang buat macam macam ugutan dan kata-kata yang berbau perkauman pada sidang akbar hari ini (5 Sep) di PP. Pemimpin yang berkualiti begnilah Umno mampu melahirkan.
Saya menyeru supaya semua rakyat Malaysia terutamanya orang bukan melayu boikot Mohd Zain. Jelas sekali dia ini “racism”. Kita perlu bersatupadu untuk memastikan makhluk seperti ini tiada tempat di negara ini. Tengoklah saja, bagaimana kumpulan 13 ini nak menetang 5 juta bukan Melayu! Saya rasa kumpulan 13 inilah yang bakal menyebabkan kejatuhan bangsa melayu di negara ini
Yang buat saya terkejut sekali adalah kenyataan daripada Dr M, insan yang telah menjadi PM Malaysia selama 22 tahun. Beliau kata di dalam blognya (bertajuk "Pohon Maaf" yang bertarikh 4 September):
“Apabila orang yang bukan Melayu mengeluar perkataan atau catitan yang boleh ditafsir sebagai racist, orang Melayu tidak pernah tuntut supaya pihak berkuasa memohon maaf”
Saya rasa Dr. M betul-betul mudah lupa. Sepanjang pemerintahan beliau, kaum lain telah pun lama berdiam walaupun dihina. Demi mencapai matalamat diri sendiri (memperkukuhkan kedudukan masing-masing di dalam parti Umno), isu-isu kecil yang ditimbulkan oleh masyarakat bukan Melayu boleh diputar belikkan oleh Umno tanpa dikawal. Ingatkah Tun dengan kumpulan SuQiu?
Saya juga nak mengingatkan Dr. M bahawa keadaan Umno hari ini bukannya sesuatu yang berlaku sejak semalam. Malah, ianya satu “legacy” yang diwarisi oleh pucuk pimpinan Umno sekarang.
Adakah hanya orang Umno saja yang boleh menyentuh isu sensitif dan menyakitkan hati kaum minoriti? Adakah kaum lain kena terima semua ketidakadilan ini sebab “Ketuannan Melayu”? Adakah kaum lain hanya boleh berdiam diri sahaja walaupun dihina?
Saya harap orang melayu tidak lagi terpedaya dengan muslihat yang jahat kumpulan 13 itu. Penderitaan orang melayu hari ini adalah akibat pemerintahan Umno, bukannya disebabkan oleh kaum lain.