Wednesday, December 7, 2011
Umno's Race Politics For Their Own Survival
But in 2008, thanks mainly to the internet, many Malaysians realised that BN was essentially made up of a bunch of crooks and thieves who were siphoning off their money on a massive scale and sent a clear message through the ballot box. The many scandals (e.g. Altantuya, IPPs, NFC, Scorpenes) and the revelations by the AG indicate that in 2011 the BN thieves and their cronies could have stolen a whopping RM60 billion. Most Malaysian are disgusted and fed up with the BN thieves and these crooks can sense that they might lose the next elections and be brought to justice. Hence they are likely to use every dirty and crooked method they can think of to remain in power.
Monday, November 21, 2011
NFC Scandal
In order to protect the whistleblowers, the police should instead investigate the information revealed by the whistleblowers. And the identity of the whistleblowers must not be revealed as all costs.
Since it is the auditor-general (AG) mentioned NFC's mismanagement in the audit report. If Mohamad Salleh has any bone to pick, he should pick it with the AG and not his staff or any other person.
Knowing how things work in Malaysia, I guess the whistleblowers will be investigated instead and the culprit will get away while the innocent and small-fry get persecuted.
Muhyiddin Yassin, we would like to see how intelligent are you to resolve this problem. So far, your comments on the NFC issues has reflected inferior quality in you as DPM.
Save Malaysia! Muhyiddin must go!
Saturday, August 13, 2011
We Support Malaysiakini & Malaysia Insider
For Ezam to wage a jihad against MK & MI, I wonder who is Ezam to do so? I find that the term "jihad" has been abused by our politicians to justify the wrong thing they do. What about launching jihad against those who are using a mosque to spew hatred and threats of violence?
Strangely, at least not in my memory that believers from other religions ever threatened to burn down other people's premises. Why do we have muslim who behave like a ganster in a civilised country like Malaysia? Ezam who threatened to 'burn down' the two news portals are behaving no better than the hooligans in England who caused so much damage to the country's image.
So far, the issue has yet to be concluded and Utusan is no angel in playing up this issue. When these people speak, their source information is always quoted as "based on a reliable source". They have not provided any credible evidence or allowed the people whom they accuse to defend themselves in an open court. Isn't this against Islam? .
People who claim to be Muslims and want to speak on behalf of Muslims must first undertstand what Islam is all about. It takes only a small number of immoral muslims to damage the reputation of the majority. People like Ezam and Zulkifli are nothing more than a political prostitute, they are damaging the image of Islam and Muslims. They prostituted themselves to serve UMNO.
Ezam is the one politicised the matter, and he is a senator. Please bear in mind that not only you can launch jihad, non-muslim or muslim with the right mind could also send you to hell and we don't tell you how, when and what we will do......sound familiar?
P.s. After all the shouting outside the state mosque, I hope Ezam did not drink water until Maghrib. Don't break the fasting rules in the name of jihad. Your god is watching!.
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Censorship On "The Economist" & Utusan
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Anugerah Ibrahim Ali dibidas
Apakah kualiti yang dipunyai oleh Ibrahim Ali yang boleh diiktirafkan? Sebenarnya, Ibrahim adalah individu kontroversi. Sikap pelampaunya telah menjejaskan perhubungan antara kaum dan tidak harus dijadikan teladan bagi pelajar-pelajar UiTM.
Satu demi satu kedidakadilan berlaku di negara kita, adakan kerajaan BN pedulikan! Adakah kita berani untuk membantah di depan UiTM? Adakah kita berani untuk protes di pejabat Perkasa?
Saudara saudari sekalian, kita rakyat Malaysia perlukan pilihanraya yang bersih dan adil untuk memastikan BN dihalau dari Putrajaya!
Sunday, July 10, 2011
Thaniah Kepada Semua Yang Menjayakan Perhimpunan Bersih 2.0

Wednesday, July 6, 2011
The Police Created Traffic Jam Ahead Of Bersih 2.0 Rally.
These are unnecessary blocks erected by PDRM cause the loss of billions dollars due to jam, delay to work and school, over heat car, stress, losses in business around the area and etc. The worse it was done at the peak hours!! Obviously, the BN government wants to teach people a lesson. This is the way BN Government’s response to retaliate the BERSIH supporters who mostly from the urbanized areas.
So, who really wrecks the business people and disrupts productivity.
Please STOP the HARASSMENT towards the BERSIH and ordinary rakyat. Harassing the people will only deepen the wound. Such tactics will only make the peoples determination stronger to vote out the BN on the next GE. Times have change and the BN leaders have not.
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Lets Support Bersih 2.0 Rally
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Bersih 2.0 & Najib
UMNO is desperate. Najib is now resort to the same trick he used in the 1987 Kg Baru rally to scare off the Chinese. Najib was the Umno Youth Chief then who warned the Chinese reporters that he could not guarantee the safety of the Chinese reporters who were at the rally location... Now, he made use of , PERKASA, an UMNO agent to warn the Chinese again. Ibrahim Ali is just a spokesman, the real devil is UMNO who is behind all these, it aims at stirring up racial sentiment.
Whether or not UMNO takes action against Ibrahim Ali, UMNO will eventually be the winner. If UMNO were to take action now against Ibrahim Ali, UMNO will appear to be “intolerable towards racism” (the fact is they take so long to act). If UMNO doesn’t take action now, Ibrahim Ali will continue to stir the racial sentiment as per UMNO’s agenda. This will help UMNO to regain some Malay votes that lost to Pakatan Rakyat during the General Election 12.
My take, UMNO will continue to allow Ibrahim Ali to create trouble until the days when Najib is about to call for General Election 13, Ibrahim Ali will be arrested for whatever reason. This will help UMNO/BN to gain some non-Malays votes. With this, UMNO will be the ultimate winner.
UMNO is Malaysia’s Number 1 public enemy.
Sunday, May 1, 2011
No Minister Post For MCA? Who Cares?

Personally, I think it is OK not to have Chinese ministers in the cabinet, on the ground that the the cabinet post allocation is not base on merit. These less important minister portfolios were given to MCA just something symbolic under BN’s power sharing spirit. Hence, it makes no different who is there to serve the people. i.e. I mean, non-MCA chaps may do a better job
As a rightful Malaysia citizen of Chinese descends, it is regrettable that the Chinese, known for being excellent in both business and finance related fields, were not appointed as ministers for the above ministry since 1974. For instance, after Tun Tan Siew Sin’s resignation in 1974, there was no non-malay ever appointed as Finance Minister (except for the Mamak who appointed himself. I insist that mamak is non-malay, no matter what they claim themselves to be). Same in the Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI). After Dr. Lim Swee Aun in 1969, the minister posts were held only by the candidates from Umno.
I’m puzzled, if people like Muhyiddin Yassin can be appointed a minister for MITI, I don’t see any reason why MCA’s men not qualified for the job. I believe this happened because of Umno’s racist core value rather than there was no competent candidate from MCA or other BN component parties that can take up the post.
If Umno dares to ignore the Chinese appeals. Go ahead and fight only for the Malay votes which are also shared by PKR & PAS. See if Umno can continue to rule without the support of the chinese.
Saturday, April 30, 2011
Utusan's frontpage news is a joke

Today's Utusan frontpage is about Eskay religious oath on the sex video clip. Why is this so important until it can occupy almost the full page? Is it true that they worry about someone who is immoral going to lead this country soon? The fact is, Anwar is not even half way to Putrajaya. Why is Umno so desperate?
It is clear that Umno is trying to do thing at all costs just to bring down Anwar Ibrahim.
It is worrying, the direction our country is heading toward.
Perkasa! just like Utusan. Like to talk without facts
On the other hand, I hate to think this but is has become very clear that the Malay in this country has been greatly influenced by the mamaks. In Penang, we have the joker KIMMA head and now NGO Perkasa’s Secretary-General. Of course, don’t forget the father of the racist who led this country for 22 years.
In fact, these mamaks have one thing in common, they keep reminding the Malays that they cannot compete with other races and they must depend on government’s hand-out. Be aware, the mamak is not leaving the country. They are here to stay.
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
The Ugly Barisan National
It is no brainer, even BN would not appoint a PR friendly candidate to replace the Chief Secretary, Mohd Sidek Hassan? I urge the BN and gang, including sultan's private secretary Mohamad Munir Bani to stop all these nonsense and do not manipulate Sultan's statements.
If BN wants to win back the heart of Selangor's voters, do it the convincing ways instead of sabotaging the PR state government.
Nevertheless, if the appointment of Mohammed Khusrin Munawi as Selangor's state secretary is Sultan's decision, because Tuanku think that Khusrin can work well with the current Selangor Menteri Besar Abdul Khalid Ibrahim, by all mean go ahead to do it. Sultan cannot be wrong and we citizen must believe that Sultan must have considered this thoroughly and put Selangor interest first before everything else.
Daulat Tuanku! We all love you!