In my opinion, Karpal speaks nothing but the truth. Many of us do have the same thinking, Pemuda Umno indeed “celaka”. In case of some unscrupulous parties purposely misinterpret my statement, I repeat, I mean Pemuda Umno celaka, not the vast Malay. Pemuda Umno should not raise their fists against the wheelchair bound old man. Just go down to the street to survey how many of them think that Pemuda Umno is celaka.
As part of the governing political party, Pemuda Umno should know better than anyone else about the proper channels and legal ways to express their dissatisfaction, not resorted to the violent and samseng way. Waited for Karpal Singh at the Parliament entrance is the same like the illegal loan shark puffing while waiting for the loan defaulter to come home. Permuda Umno is also not giving the minimal respect to the parliament. They always champion the need to respect the rulers, I agree. But Pemuda also has to remember that they need to respect the Parliament also.
Pemuda Umno unilaterally claims that they represent Malay and hence Karpal’s statement hurts the Malays. It is strange, despite losing the support from the Malay in the 2008 GE, they still think that the Malays are wholeheartedly support the corrupted UMNO. Pemuda seems to forget about the existence of other youth wings from PAS and PKR, they are Malay too. How can Pemuda represent the Malay when Umno barely obtain 50% of the support from the Malays? With their inmatured or “Samseng” behavior, it is more appropriate to say that Pemuda represent the radical Malay.
Why would pemuda be so “samseng” nowadays? The Pemuda becomes more daring ever since Hishamuddin waved his dagger at the Umno Assembly. The worst is, there were no punishments imposed by the mother body, Umno.As part of the governing political party, Pemuda Umno should know better than anyone else about the proper channels and legal ways to express their dissatisfaction, not resorted to the violent and samseng way. Waited for Karpal Singh at the Parliament entrance is the same like the illegal loan shark puffing while waiting for the loan defaulter to come home. Permuda Umno is also not giving the minimal respect to the parliament. They always champion the need to respect the rulers, I agree. But Pemuda also has to remember that they need to respect the Parliament also.
Pemuda Umno unilaterally claims that they represent Malay and hence Karpal’s statement hurts the Malays. It is strange, despite losing the support from the Malay in the 2008 GE, they still think that the Malays are wholeheartedly support the corrupted UMNO. Pemuda seems to forget about the existence of other youth wings from PAS and PKR, they are Malay too. How can Pemuda represent the Malay when Umno barely obtain 50% of the support from the Malays? With their inmatured or “Samseng” behavior, it is more appropriate to say that Pemuda represent the radical Malay.

The Pemuda Umno leaders have one thing in common; they incite racial hatred to garner support from the grassroots. Whenever these leaders say something big, it will accuse other races of challenging the Malays in every aspect. We have never heard of their constructive proposal to revive our economy because their main agenda is to be racist. The 4th floor oxford grad even proposed to recruit the crime prone mat rempit into Pemuda. When you think of Khir Toyo, what other good things that we can associate him with, other than lying and dubious land deals in Selangor when he was the MB? Reezan Merican…siapa…I did not even hear of his contribution.
Hence, Pemuda Umno should prove that they are not celaka. Otherwise, the movement should be abolished. The presents of Pemuda Umno have done more harm than good to this country.