Through Utusan Malaysia and Berita Harian, UMNO called for stripping DAP chairman Karpal Singh of his citizenship and to banish Datuk Seri Anwar and Datuk Seri Nizar. Ironically, the “Senior Editor” of Utusan, Awang Selamat called the action of PR challenging the decision of Sultan Azlan Shah to appoint a BN government in Perak as “CRIME”. What a big word used by this low brain power and yet high ranking journalist in Utusan. I think Umno might as well redefine the criminal law and appoint Awang to replace Tan Sri Zaki (Chief Justice).
According to Awang, constitutional monarchy does not allow anyone to insult or ridicule the rulers. But when the UMNO went against the rulers in Perlis and Terengganu over the choice of Menteri Besar, Utusan was OK with that. This shows how inconsistent Utusan is. This is a strong evidence of double standard by UMNO. The law in their hands, they can interpret a situation the way they want it.
Today, Umno may be backing the rulers because the decision is to their advantage. If tomorrow, one of the ruler wake up in the morning and feels that Datuk ABC from BN is not good enough to lead the state and decides to appoint Tan Sri XYZ from PR. I don’t think UMNO will be that “polite” anymore. Hishamuddin may unshield his dagger once more and..... kiss (I’m just speculating).
No doubt about that, we all need to pay our due respect to the Raja and Sultan as Malaysia citizen. As a matter of fact, there were not many cases that people challenging the rulers in the past. As long as I can remember, the challengers were come from UMNO, for example Selangor’s ex MB, Tan Sri Mohd Taib who married Sultan Selangor’s daughter quietly and Dr M who removed the rulers immunisation from the federal constitution in 1993 (Dr M is also to be blamed for today’s situation). So UMNO has also committed “CRIME”?
Lastly, respect is something comes from the bottom of our heart. There is no way you can force someone to respect you if you don’t deserve to be respected. Most of us are educated and matured enough to differentiate between right and wrong. We all entitled to express our opinion in whether the ruler is right or wrong.
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