Wednesday, December 16, 2009

More Than Half of the BN MPs Missed The Budget 2010 Debate?

Nothing new about this type of drama in Parliament. We have heard cases that there were not enough quorums, now, the ruling party almost flunk because they don’t have enough MP to pass the bill, a highly important bill (Budget 2010) which will decide our economy performance not only for next year but also for future. BN drafted the bill but only have 63 of its 137 members to debate and to pass the bill. What does this tell us? It simply means the BN MP’s are not interested in the debate and to understand the Budget 2010or worst, they don’t even understand the content of the bill. Yet, these people represent us.

I read some comments in both print and online media about BN’s near missed. Most think that this would certainly be a major embarrassment to the BN government with respect to their representatives' lack of interest in the legislative process. I hold a different view in this. The only person who will be embarrassed by this episode is Najib because he can not make sure his anak buah turn up to vote for the bill. As for the rest of the BN MP, what is there to embarrass about? Biasa saja lah! Isn’t it very common that they don’t attend Parliament sessions until a session can be called off due to not enough quorums? Imagine if they can skip such an important parliament sitting to debate about the budget, what happen to the other sessions?
Ironically, how can an MP, without sitting through the parliament session just rushed back to the Parliament to vote for the sake of voting?? Please share with us your rationale, YB M Saravanan and YB Ong Tee Kiat!
Dulu lain, sekarang lain, BN can no longer sing the same old tune again that you can “cincai” pass any bill you tabled. BN really need to make sure that the bills are going through a proper/thorough debate and they have enough support to pass the bill.
I hope that this is a good lesson for both BN and PR (if they can sustain long enough for the rakyat to believe that they can do better). Don’t play play with the Parliament sessions. Especially for BN who are so used to the advantage of more than two third majority.

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